Category: Employee engagement
Clustere Culturale. De la departamente de vanzari, la Imperiul Roman
de Emanoil Draganescu Am vazut de curand un articol in care un politician polonez de rang inalt se plangea ca emigrantii musulmani, sositi in numar mare in Europa in ultima […]
Arta de a primi Feedback
de Decebal Leonard Marin Să reacționezi bine la feedback este o calitate de care orice om, şi mai ales orice leader, are foarte mare nevoie. Când primim feedback trăim o experiență […]
What’s your next move?
by Robin Stuart-Kotze Ph.D | Robin is Associate Consultant with Corporate Dynamics Lifelong careers are rapidly becoming a thing of the past, at least in Western Europe and North America. […]
Employee motivation is not only financial
Is money enough to motivate your employees? It might be more than that. Here are some toughts
How to engage your employees
Engaging millennials and Zeds seems like a difficult task. In fact is about something else